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Every child needs a Hero.

Home Day Hero (4).jpg


Reading “Camp”

Limited 1:1 virtual and in-person tutoring

Individualized Curriculum and Camp Programming

Age appropriate activities and learning 

Parent Coaching Support

“Potty training” support 

Create opportunities for independence 

Develop schedules and implement transitions  


Treat yourself or someone you love with a Home Day Kids activity membership! Imagine 12-months of super fun experiences and interactive activities and a ready-to-go (travel-size) I Spy Game with mini-checklist and erasable search guide in a small drawstring bag! Imagine movement and music games, cooking and craft projects, and social-emotional development experiences; all created by professionals! 

Cheers to super fun days ahead! 

Ms. Stacey Band

Fun at Home with the Home Day Kids MembershipPicture credit: Sergio Jaimes-Vigaray, The Rooted Parent Movement and Positive High ‘Ohana.

Fun at Home with the Home Day Kids Membership

Picture credit: Sergio Jaimes-Vigaray, The Rooted Parent Movement and Positive High ‘Ohana.

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Our Services


Blog articles

More than 40 articles on a wide variety of hot parenting topics are available to support your success at home. Articles include tips and tricks that can be implemented at home to provide the best experiences for you and your family. The blog also highlights information from experienced specialists in various areas, as related to child development, education, learning, home life, parenting, health, wellness, and Montessori education. Coming soon: Audio trainings!

Jump over to the blog

Reading Camp

Interested in some individualized help for your child? We take a phonetic approach to learning sounds and progress through activities, as the child shows signs of readiness. Limited 60-minute sessions available and a special rate is available for 10-week packages. Handwriting Prep workbook with Letter Writing Skills and Emergent Reader Workbook may be purchased separately! If you have any questions, reach out:

training seminars

Interested in our seminar, Encouraging Independence at Home? Have a parent group that you'd like to share this content? Opportunities to work with Stacey are available, upon request. Reach out for potential topics, scheduling, and pricing information!

Purchase Zoom seminar replays here!

Monthly Activity Guides: Home Day Kids

Membership Plan ($9.99/month) Includes:

  • Monthly email with 10 activity ideas and related resources once per month, totaling 120 ideas for the year 

  • Access to the private Home Day Hero Facebook Group 

  • Special access to Home Day Hero merchandise through the TeeSpring Shop

  • Early access to virtual zoom trainings

  • Choose between Spanish or English version!  

    Register TODAY!

one-on-one consultation

Limited 2-hour and 6-hour packages are available! Time to be utilized over the course of 2-3 months, in 30-minute increments. Have you worked with Stacey previously!? Enjoyed the results in your home-life routine and your improved relationship with your children? Packages include zoom or phone meetings: initial meeting, action plan meeting, and follow-up meetings. Click the ‘Schedule Now’ button for pricing and availability.

Sign up for our newsletter to receive news and updates.


Our Disclaimer and Impact

Let's be real. I am not perfect. I am not always correct. I do not have all of the answers. I have more than 20 years of professional experience working with children of varying ages, birth-18 years with the more than 16 years focusing on children 2-9 years old.  The blog posts and website content is based upon my experiences, my successes, my struggles, and my findings. My offerings may include a great resource, insight from a personal experience, information about a specialist in the field, and/or a quote from a theorist, researcher, or other professional.  The information provided is constructed in such a way, as to direct you on ways to subtly tweak systems that you already have in place in an effort to better your family life. Each tip or trick can be added to your “bag of hero tricks” (your approaches), as you hone in on and develop your skills as a HERO!



Years of experience

Stacey has experience working with children from birth through 18 years old.  She specializes in working with children 2-9 years old, however, has significant experience with infants and toddlers in addition to mid-to-upper elementary school-aged students.

Through Stacey's experience with various non-profit organizations, private schools, and individual consultation services, Stacey has served more than 350 families and she looks forward to serving MANY MORE!

Through utilizing Stacey's tips and tricks, the results will be priceless and the time saved will be limitless.  Be sure to review the parent and family testimonials for some insight on the feedback she has already received!

Three Beneficial Ways to Support Your Educators, HiMama Blog, February 2022

Empowering Independence in Children Through Connection, Awakened Mumma Wellness Blog: December 2021

Inclusivity, America 2020, Side Hustle in the City: Blog August 2020

Managing Expectations - 3 Ways to Teach Our Children Better, July 2020, Macaroni Kids: Rockville-Gaithersburg, MD and Macaroni Kids: Bethesda, MD

Washington Parent Magazine, Two Time Winner - Parent Picks 2020, Washington Parent Magazine/ Listing Here and Here!

Cultivating your child’s independence by Nicole Cerquitella and Stacey Band Macaroni Kids: Rockville-Gaithersburg, MD and Macaroni Kids: Bethesda, MD, June 2020

The Type-A Parent Trap By Brooke Lea Foster with interview of Stacey Band,
How do you allow for independence in your home? Washingtonian Magazine

Get Involved

Do you know an organization, business, or service provider that should be connected to Home Day Hero? Tell us! We are always looking to build our network of valuable resources and experienced professionals.



Want to stay in touch!? Don't miss a post, a special deal, or an in-person training opportunity. This newsletter will provide you with valuable resources to help improve your life every day.

30-minute sessions

Are you interested in talking with Stacey? Register for one of our 30-minutes sessions, part of our limited 2-hour packages. These sessions will allow you the opportunity to work with Home Day Hero to meet your specific needs.

Partner with us

Do you have a speciality!? Want to submit an article? We love offering specialists opportunities to share their expertise in the field. Specialists articles may be features on the website, included in our newsletter, utilized as a part of training seminars, and serve as resources for one-on-one consultations.